

农村调研报告 时间:2022-02-11 10:11:06

提 要 改革开放40年来,中国外语教育发展迅速。伴随着国家从“本土型”大国逐步向“国际型”强国转型,中国外语教育规划先后经历了4个发展阶段,目前已进入战略转型期。本文基于外语教育规划过程六要素分析框架,回顾改革开放40年来中国外语教育规划在战略规划、外语调查、规划报告、政策制定、政策实施和规划评估6个方面的成就与不足,提出新时代中国外语教育规划需要加强理论与实践研究、建立专门统一的外语教育规划机构、建立健全外语调查机制、加强外语教育规划的实施与监督、注重外语教育规划的评估有效性等改革建议。

关键词 改革开放;外语教育规划;语言规划;语言政策;规划过程

中图分类号 H002 文献标识码 A 文章编号 2096-1014(2018)05-0021-11

DOI 10.19689/j.cnki.cn10-1361/h.20180502

Foreign Language Education Planning in China since the Reform and Opening-Up

Shen Qi and Bao Min

Abstract Since the launch of Reform and Opening-up forty years ago, foreign language education in China has made tremendous progress through successive education reform and thus promoted the overall development of the nation and the society. With the shifting role of China from a “localized nation” to an “internationalized power”, foreign language education planning has gone through four developmental stages, namely the restoration stage (1978 to early 1980s), reconstruction and reform stage (mid 1980s to late 1990s), formation and systematization stage (2000-2010), and the stage of strategic transition (2010 to present). Based on the analytical framework of foreign language education planning (FLEP) process, this paper reviews the achievements and weakness of China’s FLEP in the past four decades. Analysis shows that much substantial work has been done in all key areas of FLEP, such as strategic planning, surveys, survey reports, policy decisions, policy implementation and policy evaluation. However, the top macro-planning agency as well as some details of policy implementation and evaluations needs to be more clearly defined. In view of the existing deficiencies in China’s foreign language education policy and planning, this paper proposes some specific suggestions for advancing foreign language education in order to cater to the language needs in China’s New Era.

Key words reform and opening-up; foreign language education planning; language planning; language policy; planning process

一、引 言


推荐访问:中国 改革开放以来 外语 规划 教育
